The WTS also has an "offical Public relations" Website, which I have NEVER seen it mentioned in any watchtower.
They keep there members on a "need to know basis", and i suppose they feel they do not need to know this.
regards Rick
regarding the wts and their fear of the internet.
i just wanted to mention that the wts will probably come out with a cd-rom, something to supposedly help the jws study the bible, or some crap like that, but in reality, it will be a program to block the jws from accessing any anti-jws web site.
i know the church of scientology did it.
The WTS also has an "offical Public relations" Website, which I have NEVER seen it mentioned in any watchtower.
They keep there members on a "need to know basis", and i suppose they feel they do not need to know this.
regards Rick
i was thinking this morning about how i feel the two witness rule is not applied to every situation.
take a charge of adultery for example.
i know of times when elders camped out in front of someone's house all night to see if two people spend the night together and this would be grounds for adultery, however, unless they peeked into the windows, or snuck in to be there, they were only witnesses to the fact that someone went in the place and came out the next morning.
what in the case if a brother see's another bro stabing someone to death! now if the witness sees this what does he do, since he hasn't got a second witness? Does he go to the elders and then the elders ask him "where is your second witness". or does he go to the police? one fool of a bro who was on the net and who also claimed to be an elder actually said to me that the bro should not go to the police but to the elders instead, i replyed that this means that the WTS is above the Law and he said "YES". I'm sure in this case this 'elder' is full of rubbish, but that is the way some view the WTS.
The 2 witness rule is mainly applied to child abuse cases because they want to cover it up. If the thought is taken that there is a principal in the Old Law then why aren't women still removed from the main crowd for 7 days during there monthly period?
I could go on and on...
regards rick
go to do a search with "jehovah" and tell us what you see.
Go to do a search with "Jehovah" and tell us what you see.
just letting you guys all know that a certain kingdom hall in south australia has a 6ft x 4ft pin-up board that has half of it that is strictly devoted to anything to do with the whole catholic, anglican child abuse scandals...they're particularly gloating over newspaper articles about the possibility of the boston r.c.
church going bankrupt.... also, quote from awake article on child abuse published in the 8/4/99 issue (pages 6-7) makes this accusation about the clergy then quotes a book:.
"in australia a review of the book the battle and the backlash: the child sexual abuse war commented on child abuse by clergymen and others in positions of trust.
Go to and do a search for "Jehovah" and see what you find..I found it very interesting indeed..
russell: anti-organizational teachings,celebrating birthdays,christmas and holiday observance, military involvement tolerated, not draing blood from food, considering self to be the "faithful and discreet slave", selling miracle wheat,dabbling in the occult, and signing his own books.. rutherford: signing his own books, beer parties at bethel,making many enemies within and without the organization.. knorr: having private opinions on 1975 and the time of the end counter to what was printed in the watchtower.. fred franz: he was too smart to be disfellowedshipped.
besides ,he practically invented disfellowshipping.
I find it hard to beleive the part about not touching pee pee, can you please provide any Documented INFO. regards rick
i cannot get into "" anymore.. has something happened to this site?
i haven't been able to get into it for months.
does someoen know something?
I cannot get into "" anymore.
Has something happened to this site? I haven't been able to get into it for months. Does someoen know something? maybe they changed there name.
regards rick
i was going through some old jw books of my aunts and found one entitled the photodrama of creation.
it is missing the 1st few pages but it is really interesting to look through.
i did notice that there is almost no mention of jehovah's name in the book althought it talks about jesus and the church constantly.
regarding the photo dramam..
I DID NOT see your point regarding that all the planets will be populated with people..can you pls tell me where exactly on page 96 y did you see this?
regards rick
......and what are the different levels?
Hi Sillyputty.
I see you are from mexico..
Can i please ask you how long were you a JW?
I have read COC by Ray Franz, in it he says that the Bros in Mexico at one time did not pray or use the bible in the Kingdom Hall, do you know anything about this? They went back to "normal" meetings in 1980.
regards rick
i'm just curious.
how many of you were elders or ministerial servants or pioneers?
were you an elder or ms or pioneer when you realized it wasn't the truth or a had you stepped down already, were you "weak" when you realized it?
Test message only
the main topic is help for depressed teens.
yet when i was a teenager and depressed, did the elders help me?
the elders made rude little comments about it.
Think about the elders (the older men) for a moment... They have no professional training, they at times may not even be old or wise..but becuase they were given this title they now know everything.
They may still be single and yet they will advise Married couples with problems. The WTS discourage going to Councilors.
And yet we are to accept that there advise comes from the holy spirit,
what they do is really more like faith-healing.